tools.analyzer.js AST Quickref

Common AST fields

The node op
The clojure form from which the node originated
The environment map
optional A vector of keywords, representing the children nodes of this node, in order of evaluation
optional If this node's :form has been macroexpanded, a sequence of all the intermediate forms from the original form to the macroexpanded form
optional true if this is the root node
The tag of the expression
optional true if this node returns a statement rather than an expression

Nodes reference


Node for a binding symbol

The binding symbol
The binding symbol
One of :arg, :catch, :fn, :let, :letfn, :loop or :field
optional When :local is :arg, the parameter index
optional When :local is :arg, a boolean indicating whether this parameter binds to a variable number of arguments
optional When :local is :let, :letfn or :loop, an AST node representing the bound value
[], [:init]


Node for a case* special-form expression

(case* expr [test*] [then*] default)
The AST node for the expression to test against
A vector of :case-node AST nodes representing the test/then clauses of the case* expression
An AST node representing the default value of the case expression
[:test :nodes :default]


Grouping node for tests/then expressions in a case* expression

A vector of :case-test AST nodes representing the test values
A :case-then AST node representing the value the case expression will evaluate to when one of the :tests expressions matches the :case :test value
[:tests :then]


Node for a test value in a case* expression

A :const AST node representing the test value


Node for a then expression in a case* expression

An AST node representing the expression the case will evaluate to when the :test expression matches this node's corresponding :case-test value


Node for a catch expression

(catch class local body*)
An AST node representing the type of exception to catch
The :binding AST node for the caught exception
Synthetic :do AST node (with :body? true) representing the body of the catch clause
[:class :local :body]


Node for a constant literal or a quoted collection literal

A constant literal or a quoted collection literal
one of :nil, :bool, :keyword, :symbol, :string, :number, :seq, :char, :regex or :unknown
The value of the constant node
optional A :map AST node representing the metadata of the constant value, if present.
[], [:meta]


Node for a def special-form expression

(def name docstring? init?)
The var symbol to define in the current namespace
The var object created (or found, if it already existed) named by the symbol :name in the current namespace
optional An AST node representing the metadata attached to :name, if present. The node will be either a :map node or a :const node with :type :map
optional An AST node representing the initial value of the var
optional The docstring for this var
[], [:init], [:meta], [:meta :init]


Node for a deftype* special-form expression

`(deftype name [field*] pmask body)
The symbol name of the deftype
A vector of :binding AST nodes with :local :field representing the deftype fields
The protocol mask of the deftype
A :do AST node representing the inline protocols extensions of the deftype
[:fields :body]


Node for a defrecord* special-form expression

`(defrecord name [field*] pmask body)
The symbol name of the defrecord
A vector of :binding AST nodes with :local :field representing the defrecord fields
The protocol mask of the defrecord
A :do AST node representing the inline protocols extensions of the defrecord
[:fields :body]


Node for a do special-form expression or for another special-form's body

(do statement* ret)
A vector of AST nodes representing all but the last expression in the do body
An AST node representing the last expression in the do body (the block's return value)
optional true if this node is a synthetic body
[:statements :ret]


Node for a fn* special-form expression

(fn* name? [arg*] body*) or (fn* name? method*)
true if this function contains a variadic arity method
The number of arguments taken by the fixed-arity method taking the most arguments
optional A :binding AST node with :local :fn representing the function's local name, if one is supplied
A vector of :fn-method AST nodes representing the fn method arities
true if the fn is marked as ^:once fn*, meaning it will only be executed once and thus allowing for the clearing of closed-over locals
[:methods], [:local :methods]


Node for an arity method in a fn* expression

([arg*] body*)
Unique symbol identifying this method as a target for recursion
true if this fn-method takes a variable number of arguments
A vector of :binding AST nodes with :local :arg representing this fn-method args
The number of non-variadic args this fn-method takes
Synthetic :do node (with :body? true) representing the body of this fn-method
[:params :body]


Node for a host interop call

(.method target arg*)
Symbol naming the method to call
An AST node representing the target object
A vector of AST nodes representing the args passed to the method call
[:target :args]


Node for a host interop field access

(.-field target)
Symbol naming the field to access
An AST node representing the target object


Node for an if special-form expression

(if test then else?)
An AST node representing the test expression
An AST node representing the expression's return value if :test evaluated to a truthy value
An AST node representing the expression's return value if :test evaluated to a falsey value, if not supplied it will default to a :const node representing nil
[:test :then :else]


Node for an invoke expression

(f arg*)
An AST node representing the function to invoke
A vector of AST nodes representing the args to the function
optional Map of metadata attached to the invoke :form
[:fn :args]


Node for a js* special-form expression

`(js* js-string arg*)
A vector of js strings that delimit the compiled args
A vector of AST nodes representing the cljs expressions that will be interposed with the strings in segs


Node for a js array literal

#js [item*]
A vector of AST nodes representing the items of the js array


Node for a js object literal

#js {[key value]*}
A vector of AST nodes representing the keys of the js object
A vector of AST nodes representing the vals of the js object
[:keys :vals]


Node for a js-var symbol

A symbol naming the js-var in the form: js/foo, js-ns/foo or js-var
The js-var object this symbol refers to, if :form is in the form js/foo, :ns will be nil


Node for a let* special-form expression

(let* [binding*] body*)
A vector of :binding AST nodes with :local :let
Synthetic :do node (with :body? true) representing the body of the let expression
[:bindings :body]


Node for a letfn* special-form expression

(letfn* [binding*] body*)
A vector of :binding AST nodes with :local :letfn
Synthetic :do node (with :body? true) representing the body of the letfn expression
[:bindings :body]


Node for a local symbol

The local symbol
The local symbol
One of :arg, :catch, :fn, :let, :letfn, :loop or :field
optional When :local is :arg, the parameter index
optional When :local is :arg, a boolean indicating whether this parameter binds to a variable number of arguments


Node a loop* special-form expression

(loop* [binding*] body*)
A vector of :binding AST nodes with :local :loop
Synthetic :do node (with :body? true) representing the body of the loop expression
Unique symbol identifying this loop as a target for recursion
[:bindings :body]


Node for a map literal

{[key val]*}
A vector of AST nodes representing the keys of the map
A vector of AST nodes representing the vals of the map
[:keys :vals]


Node for a new special-form expression

(new Class arg*)
An AST node :class representing the class to instantiate
A vector of AST nodes representing the arguments passed to the class constructor
[:class :args]


Node for a quote special-form expression

(quote expr)
A :const AST node representing the quoted value


Node for a recur special-form expression

(recur expr*)
A vector of AST nodes representing the new bound values for the loop binding on the next loop iteration


Node for a set literal

A vector of AST nodes representing the items of the set


Node for a set! special-form expression

(set! target val)
An AST node representing the target of the set! expression, must be :assignable?
An AST node representing the new value for the target


Node for a throw special-form statement

(throw exception)
An AST node representing the exception to throw


Node for a try special-form expression

(try body* catch* finally?)
A vector of :catch AST nodes representing the catch clauses of this try expression
optional Synthetic :do AST node (with :body? true) representing the final clause of this try expression
[:catches], [:catches :finally]


Node for a var symbol

A symbol naming the var
The var object this symbol refers to
optional true if the Var is :dynamic


Node for a vector literal with attached metadata and/or non literal elements

A vector of AST nodes representing the items of the vector


Node for a non quoted collection literal or a fn expression with attached metadata

Non quoted collection literal or fn expression with attached metadata
A :map AST node representing the metadata of expression.
The expression this metadata is attached to, :op is one of :vector, :map, :set or :fn
[:meta :expr]