API for prxml - clojure-contrib v1.1 (stable)

by Stuart Sierra

clojure-contrib is now deprecated

clojure-contrib is no longer being developed or maintained.

Rather than a single, monolithic, contributions library, Clojure now has a set of separate libraries for each unit of functionality. The libraries are in the Clojure GitHub organization at https://github.com/clojure. API documentation of the libraries can be found at https://clojure.github.io.

If you're looking for a specific function or namespace from the old clojure-contrib, see "Where Did Clojure.Contrib Go".

Full namespace name: clojure.contrib.prxml


Compact syntax for generating XML. See the documentation of "prxml"
for details.

Public Variables and Functions


This library, clojure-contrib, is deprecated. See here for more information.

If true, empty tags will have a space before the closing />


This library, clojure-contrib, is deprecated. See here for more information.

The number of spaces to indent sub-tags.  nil for no indent
and no extra line-breaks.


This library, clojure-contrib, is deprecated. See here for more information.
Usage: (prxml & args)
Print XML to *out*.  Vectors become XML tags: the first item is the
tag name; optional second item is a map of attributes.

Sequences are processed recursively, so you can use map and other
sequence functions inside prxml.

  (prxml [:p {:class "greet"} [:i "Ladies & gentlemen"]])
  ; => <p class="greet"><i>Ladies &amp; gentlemen</i></p>

PSEUDO-TAGS: some keywords have special meaning:

  :raw!      do not XML-escape contents
  :comment!  create an XML comment
  :decl!     create an XML declaration, with attributes
  :cdata!    create a CDATA section
  :doctype!  create a DOCTYPE!

  (prxml [:p [:raw! "<i>here & gone</i>"]])
  ; => <p><i>here & gone</i></p>

  (prxml [:decl! {:version "1.1"}])
  ; => <?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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