

(quick-check num-tests property & {:keys [seed max-size reporter-fn], :or {max-size 200, reporter-fn (constantly nil)}})
Tests `property` `num-tests` times.

Takes several optional keys:

  Can be used to re-run previous tests, as the seed used is returned
  after a test is run.

  can be used to control the 'size' of generated values. The size will
  start at 0, and grow up to max-size, as the number of tests increases.
  Generators will use the size parameter to bound their growth. This
  prevents, for example, generating a five-thousand element vector on
  the very first test.

  A callback function that will be called at various points in the test
  run, with a map like:

    ;; called after a passing trial
    {:type            :trial
     :args            [...]
     :num-tests       <number of tests run so far>
     :num-tests-total <total number of tests to be run>
     :seed            42
     :pass?           true
     :property        #<...>
     :result          true
     :result-data     {...}}

    ;; called after the first failing trial
    {:type         :failure
     :fail         [...failing args...]
     :failing-size 13
     :num-tests    <tests ran before failure found>
     :pass?        false
     :property     #<...>
     :result       false/exception
     :result-data  {...}
     :seed         42}

  It will also be called on :complete, :shrink-step and :shrunk. Many
  of the keys also appear in the quick-check return value, and are
  documented below.

If the test passes, the return value will be something like:

    {:num-tests       100,
     :pass?           true,
     :result          true,
     :seed            1561826505982,
     :time-elapsed-ms 24}

If the test fails, the return value will be something like:

    {:fail            [0],
     :failed-after-ms 0,
     :failing-size    0,
     :num-tests       1,
     :pass?           false,
     :result          false,
     :result-data     nil,
     :seed            1561826506080,
     {:depth               0,
      :pass?               false,
      :result              false,
      :result-data         nil,
      :smallest            [0],
      :time-shrinking-ms   0,
      :total-nodes-visited 0}}

The meaning of the individual entries is:

    The total number of trials that was were run, not including
    shrinking (if applicable)

    A boolean indicating whether the test passed or failed

    A legacy entry that is similar to :pass?

    The seed used for the entire test run; can be used to reproduce
    a test run by passing it as the :seed option to quick-check

    The total time, in milliseconds, of a successful test run

    The generated values for the first failure; note that this is
    always a vector, since prop/for-all can have multiple clauses

    The total time, in milliseconds, spent finding the first failing

    The value of the size parameter used to generate the first

    The result data, if any, of the first failing trial (to take
    advantage of this a property must return an object satisfying
    the clojure.test.check.results/Result protocol)

    A map of data about the shrinking process; nested keys that
    appear at the top level have the same meaning; other keys are
    documented next

    :shrunk / :depth
    The depth in the shrink tree that the smallest failing instance
    was found; this is essentially the idea of how many times the
    original failure was successfully shrunk

    The smallest values found in the shrinking process that still
    fail the test; this is a vector of the same type as :fail

    The total time, in milliseconds, spent shrinking

    The total number of steps in the shrinking process


    (def p (for-all [a gen/nat] (> (* a a) a)))

    (quick-check 100 p)
    (quick-check 200 p
                 :seed 42
                 :max-size 50
                 :reporter-fn (fn [m]
                                (when (= :failure (:type m))
                                  (println "Uh oh..."))))