API Overview - algo.generic 0.1.4-SNAPSHOT (in development)


by Konrad Hinsen
Detailed API documentation
Generic arithmetic interface
This library defines generic versions of + - * / as multimethods
that can be defined for any type. The minimal required 
implementations for a type are binary + and * plus unary - and /.
Everything else is derived from these automatically. Explicit
binary definitions for - and / can be provided for
efficiency reasons.
Contents: * + - ->one-type ->zero-type / defmethod* map->one-type map->zero-type one-type qsym zero-type


by Konrad Hinsen
Detailed API documentation
Generic collection interface
This library defines generic versions of common
collection-related functions as multimethods that can be
defined for any type.
Contents: assoc conj dissoc empty get into seq


by Konrad Hinsen
Detailed API documentation
Generic comparison interface
This library defines generic versions of = not= < > <= >= zero?
as multimethods that can be defined for any type. Of the
greater/less-than relations, types must minimally implement >.
Contents: < <= = > >= max min neg? not= pos? zero?


by Konrad Hinsen
Detailed API documentation
Generic functor interface (fmap)
Contents: fmap


by Konrad Hinsen
Detailed API documentation
Generic math function interface
This library defines generic versions of common mathematical
functions such as sqrt or sin as multimethods that can be
defined for any type.
Contents: abs acos approx= asin atan atan2 ceil conjugate cos defmacro- exp floor log pow rint round sgn sin sqr sqrt tan
Logo & site design by Tom Hickey.
Clojure auto-documentation system by Tom Faulhaber.