Note - Alpha, work-in-progress, names and other details are in flux A library for building concurrent, event driven data processing flows out of communication-free functions, while centralizing control, reporting, execution and error handling. Built on core.async. The top-level construct is the flow, comprising: a set of processes (generally, threads) - concurrent activities a set of channels flowing data into and out of the processes a set of channels for centralized control, reporting, error-handling, and execution of the processes The flow library itself constructs processes, channels and flows. The user provides configuration data and process logic (step-fns) that specify how the flow should work. A flow is constructed from flow configuration data which defines a directed graph of processes and the connections between them. Processes describe their I/O requirements and the flow (library) itself creates channels and passes them to the processes that requested them. See 'create-flow' for the details. The flow configuration provides a centralized place for policy decisions regarding process settings, threading, buffering etc. It is expected that applications will rarely define instances of the process protocol but instead use the API function 'process' that implements the process protocol in terms of calls to ordinary functions (step-fns) that might include no communication or core.async code. In this way the library helps you achieve a strict separation of your application logic from its execution, communication, lifecycle, error handling and monitoring. Note that at several points the library calls upon the user to supply ids for processes, inputs, outputs etc. These should be keywords. When a namespaced keyword is required it is explicitly stated. This documentation refers to various keywords utilized by the library itself as ::flow/xyz, where ::flow is an alias for clojure.core.async.flow Flows support the Clojure 'datafy' protocol to support observability. See also the 'ping' and 'ping-proc' fns for a live view of processes. A process is represented in the flow definition by an implementation of spi/ProcLauncher that starts it. See the spi docs for details.
(command-proc g pid cmd-id more-kvs)
synchronously sends a process-specific command with the given id and additional kvs to the process. The cmd-id must be ns-qualified with a ns you own.
(create-flow config)
Creates a flow from the supplied configuration: a map containing the keys :procs and :conns, and optionally :mixed-exec/:io-exec/:compute-exec :procs - a map of pid->proc-def where proc-def is a map with keys :proc, :args, :chan-opts :proc - a function that starts a process :args - a map of param->val which will be passed to the process ctor :chan-opts - a map of in-or-out-id->{:keys [buf-or-n xform]}, where buf-or-n and xform have their meanings per core.async/chan the default is {:buf-or-n 10} :conns - a collection of [[from-pid outid] [to-pid inid]] tuples. Inputs and outputs support multiple connections. When an output is connected multiple times every connection will get every message, as per a core.async/mult. :mixed-exec/:io-exec/:compute-exec -> ExecutorService These can be used to specify the ExecutorService to use for the corresonding workload, in lieu of the lib defaults. N.B. The flow is not started. See 'start'
(futurize f & {:keys [exec], :or {exec :mixed}, :as opts})
Takes a fn f and returns a fn that takes the same arguments as f and immediately returns a future, having started a thread for the indicated workload, or via the supplied executor, that invokes f with those args and completes that future with its return. futurize accepts kwarg options: :exec - one of the workloads :mixed, :io, :compute or a j.u.c.ExecutorService object, default :mixed
(inject g [pid io-id :as coord] msgs)
asynchronously puts the messages on the channel corresponding to the input or output of the process, returning a future that will complete when done.
(lift*->step f)
given a fn f taking one arg and returning a collection of non-nil values, creates a step fn as needed by process, with one input and one output (named :in and :out), and no state.
(lift1->step f)
like lift*->step except taking a fn returning one value, which when nil will yield no output.
(pause g)
pauses a running flow
(pause-proc g pid)
pauses a process
(ping g & {:keys [timeout-ms], :or {timeout-ms 1000}})
pings all processes, returning a map of pid -> proc status and state, for those procs that reply within timeout-ms (default 1000)
(ping-proc g pid & {:keys [timeout-ms], :or {timeout-ms 1000}})
like ping, but just pings the specified process
(process fn-or-map)
(process fn-or-map {:keys [workload timeout-ms], :or {timeout-ms 5000}, :as opts})
Given a function of four arities (0-3), aka the 'step-fn', or a map of functions corresponding thereto (described below), returns a launcher that creates a process compliant with the process protocol (see the spi/ProcLauncher doc). The possible arities/entries for the step-fn/map are 0 - :describe, 1 - :init, 2 - :transition 3 - :transform. This is the core facility for defining the logic for processes via ordinary functions. Using a var holding a fn as the 'step-fn' is the preferred method for defining a proc, as it enables hot-code-reloading of the proc logic in a flow, and better names in datafy. You can use the map form to compose the proc logic from disparate functions or to leverage the optionality of some of the entry points. arity 0, or :describe - required, () -> description where description is a map with keys :params :ins and :outs, each of which in turn is a map of keyword to doc string, and :workload with possible values of :mixed :io :compute. All entries in the describe return map are optional. :params describes the initial arguments to setup the state for the function. :ins enumerates the input[s], for which the flow will create channels :outs enumerates the output[s], for which the flow may create channels. :workload - describes the nature of the workload, one of :mixed :io or :compute an :io workload should not do extended computation a :compute workload should never block No key may be present in both :ins and :outs, allowing for a uniform channel coordinate system of [:process-id :channel-id]. The ins/outs/params returned will be the ins/outs/params of the process. describe may be called by users to understand how to use the proc. It will also be called by the impl in order to discover what channels are needed. arity 1, or :init - optional, (arg-map) -> initial-state init will be called once by the process to establish any initial state. The arg-map will be a map of param->val, as supplied in the flow def. The key ::flow/pid will be added, mapped to the pid associated with the process (useful e.g. if the process wants to refer to itself in reply-to coordinates). init must be provided if 'describe' returns :params. Optionally, a returned init state may contain the keys ::flow/in-ports and/or ::flow/out-ports. These should be maps of cid -> a The cids must not conflict with the in/out ids. These channels will become part of the input/output set of the process, but are not otherwise visible/resolvable within the flow. Ports are a way to allow data to enter or exit the flow from outside of it. Use :transition to coordinate the lifecycle of these external channels. Optionally, _any_ returned state, whether from :init, :transition or :transform, may contain the key ::flow/input-filter, a predicate of cid. Only inputs (including in-ports) satisfying the predicate will be part of the next channel read set. In the absence of this predicate all inputs are read. arity 2, or :transition - optional, (state transition) -> state' transition will be called when the process makes a state transition, transition being one of ::flow/resume, ::flow/pause or ::flow/stop With this fn a process impl can track changes and coordinate resources, especially cleaning up any resources on :stop, since the process will no longer be used following that. See the SPI for details. state' will be the state supplied to subsequent calls. arity 3, or :transform - required, (state in-name msg) -> [state' output] where output is a map of outid->[msgs*] The transform fn will be called every time a message arrives at any of the inputs. Output can be sent to none, any or all of the :outs enumerated, and/or an input named by a [pid inid] tuple (e.g. for reply-to), and/or to the ::flow/report output. A step need not output at all (output or msgs can be empyt/nil), however an output _message_ may never be nil (per core.async channels). state' will be the state supplied to subsequent calls. process accepts an option map with keys: :workload - one of :mixed, :io or :compute :compute-timeout-ms - if :workload is :compute, this timeout (default 5000 msec) will be used when getting the return from the future - see below A :workload supplied as an option to process will override any :workload returned by the :describe fn of the process. If neither are provded the default is :mixed. In the :workload context of :mixed or :io, this dictates the type of thread in which the process loop will run, _including its calls to transform_. When :io is specified, transform should not do extensive computation. When :compute is specified (only allowed for :transform), each call to transform will be run in a separate thread. The process loop will run in an :io context (since it no longer directly calls transform, all it does is I/O) and it will submit transform to the :compute executor then await (blocking, for compute-timeout-ms) the completion of the future returned by the executor. If the future times out it will be reported on ::flow/error. When :compute is specified transform must not block!
(resume g)
resumes a paused flow
(resume-proc g pid)
resumes a process
(start g)
starts the entire flow from init values. The processes start paused. Call 'resume' or 'resume-proc' to start flow. Returns a map with keys: :report-chan - a core.async chan for reading.'ping' responses will show up here, as will any explicit ::flow/report outputs from :transform :error-chan - a core.async chan for reading. Any (and only) exceptions thrown anywhere on any thread inside a flow will appear in maps sent here. There will at least be a ::flow/ex entry with the exception, and may be additional keys for pid, state, status etc depending on the context of the error.
(stop g)
shuts down the flow, stopping all procsesses and closing the error and report channels. The flow can be started again