Index of Public Functions and Variables - Gradual Typing 0.3.25 (in development)

This page has an alphabetical index of all the documented functions and variables in Gradual Typing.



 add-checks-ann-form          function      clojure.core.typed.check.special.ann-form Add runtime checks to an an...
 add-checks-normal-def        function      clojure.core.typed.check.def Add runtime checks to a def with an init...
 Agent1                       type alias    clojure.core.typed An agent that can read and write type x..
 Agent2                       type alias    clojure.core.typed An agent that can write type w and read type r..
 alias-hmap-type              function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Recur up from the leaves of a type a...
 alias-single-HMaps           function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Traverse the type and alias environm...
 All                          type alias    clojure.core.typed A polymorphic binder.
 and-c                        function      clojure.core.typed.contract Returns a contract that ensures a value p...
 ann                          macro         clojure.core.typed Annotate varsym with type. If unqualified, qualify...
 ann-datatype                 macro         clojure.core.typed Annotate datatype Class name dname with expected f...
 ann-form                     macro         clojure.core.typed Annotate a form with an expected type..
 ann-form                     macro         clojure.core.typed.macros Annotate a form with an expected type..
 ann-form-annotation          function      clojure.core.typed.check.special.ann-form Return the raw type annotat...
 ann-interface                macro         clojure.core.typed Annotate a possibly polymorphic interface (created...
 ann-many                     macro         clojure.core.typed Annotate several vars with type t.  eg. (ann-many ...
 ann-precord                  macro         clojure.core.typed Annotate record Class name dname with a polymorphi...
 ann-protocol                 macro         clojure.core.typed Annotate a possibly polymorphic protocol var with ...
 ann-record                   macro         clojure.core.typed Annotate record Class name dname with expected fie...
 Any                          type alias    clojure.core.typed Any is the top type that contains all types..
 any-c                        var           clojure.core.typed.contract Contract that allows any value..
 AnyInteger                   type alias    clojure.core.typed A type that returns true for clojure.core/integer?.
 AnyValue                     type alias    clojure.core.typed AnyValue contains all Value singleton types.
 ASeq                         type alias    clojure.core.typed A sequential seq returned from clojure.core/seq.
 Assoc                        type alias    clojure.core.typed A type representing an assoc operation.
 atom                         macro         clojure.core.typed Like atom, but with optional type annotations.  Sa...
 atom                         macro         clojure.core.typed.macros Like atom, but with optional type annotatio...
 Atom1                        type alias    clojure.core.typed An atom that can read and write type x..
 Atom2                        type alias    clojure.core.typed An atom that can write type w and read type r..
 atom>                        macro         clojure.core.typed DEPRECATED: use clojure.core.typed/atom  Like atom...
 AVec                         type alias    clojure.core.typed A persistent vector returned from clojure.core/vec...



 ->Blame                      function      clojure.core.typed.contract Positional factory function for class clo...
 Blame                        record        clojure.core.typed.contract 
 BlockingDeref                type alias    clojure.core.typed A Clojure blocking derefable (see clojure.core/der...
 Bool                         type alias    clojure.core.typed A boolean.



 ->CheckedISeq                function      clojure.core.typed.contract Positional factory function for class clo...
 ->Contract                   function      clojure.core.typed.contract Positional factory function for class clo...
 cast                         macro         clojure.core.typed Cast a value to a type. Returns a new value that c...
 cf                           macro         clojure.core.typed Takes a form and an optional expected type and ret...
 check                        function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-check Add runtime checks to the output AST...
 check                        function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Assumes collect-expr is already call...
 check-ann-form               function      clojure.core.typed.check.special.ann-form Type check an ann-form expr...
 check-def                    function      clojure.core.typed.check.def Check a def. If it is a declare or a def...
 check-defmacro-or-declare    function      clojure.core.typed.check.def To check a defmacro or declare, just ass...
 check-fni                    function      clojure.core.typed.check.fn-methods Check a vector of :method AST nod...
 check-form*                  function      clojure.core.typed Takes a (quoted) form and optional expected type s...
 check-form-cljs              function      clojure.core.typed.check-form-cljs Check a single form with an option...
 check-form-info              function      clojure.core.typed Type checks a (quoted) form and returns a map of r...
 check-monitor                function      clojure.core.typed.check.monitor monitor-enter and monitor-exit both ...
 check-normal-def             function      clojure.core.typed.check.def Checks a def that isn't a macro definiti...
 check-ns                     function      clojure.core.typed Type check a namespace/s (a symbol or Namespace, o...
 check-ns-info                function      clojure.core.typed Same as check-ns, but returns a map of results fro...
 check-ns-info                function      clojure.core.typed.check-ns-clj Same as check-ns, but returns a map o...
 check-value                  function      clojure.core.typed.check.value Given a :const node and an expected ty...
 CheckedISeq                  type          clojure.core.typed.contract 
 Coll                         type alias    clojure.core.typed A persistent collection with member type x..
 collect-ns*                  function      clojure.core.typed.collect-utils Collect type annotations and depende...
 contract                     macro         clojure.core.typed.contract Check a contract against a value, with an...
 Contract                     record        clojure.core.typed.contract 
 count-range-c                function      clojure.core.typed.contract Returns a flat contract that allows value...
 CountRange                   type alias    clojure.core.typed A type representing a range of counts for a collec...
 create-env                   macro         clojure.core.typed.current-impl For name n, creates defs for {n}, {n}...



 declare-alias-kind           macro         clojure.core.typed Declare a kind for an alias, similar to declare bu...
 declare-datatypes            macro         clojure.core.typed Declare datatypes, similar to declare but on the t...
 declare-names                macro         clojure.core.typed Declare names, similar to declare but on the type ...
 declare-protocols            macro         clojure.core.typed Declare protocols, similar to declare but on the t...
 def                          macro         clojure.core.typed Like clojure.core/def with optional type annotatio...
 def                          macro         clojure.core.typed.macros Like clojure.core/def with optional type an...
 def-alias                    macro         clojure.core.typed DEPRECATED: use defalias  Define a type alias. Tak...
 def>                         macro         clojure.core.typed DEPRECATED: use clojure.core.typed/def  Like def, ...
 defalias                     macro         clojure.core.typed Define a recursive type alias. Takes an optional d...
 default-eval                 function      clojure.core.typed.lang Roughly equivalent to clojure.core/eval..
 default-load1                function      clojure.core.typed.lang Roughly equivalent to clojure.core/load..
 defmacro-or-declare?         function      clojure.core.typed.check.def Returns true if this :def AST originally...
 defn                         macro         clojure.core.typed Like defn, but expands to clojure.core.typed/fn. I...
 defn                         macro         clojure.core.typed.macros Like defn, but expands to clojure.core.type...
 defn>                        macro         clojure.core.typed DEPRECATED: Use defn  Like defn, but with annotati...
 defprotocol                  macro         clojure.core.typed Like defprotocol, but with optional type annotatio...
 defprotocol                  macro         clojure.core.typed.macros Like defprotocol, but with optional type an...
 defprotocol>                 macro         clojure.core.typed DEPRECATED: use clojure.core.typed/defprotocol  Li...
 Delay                        type alias    clojure.core.typed A Clojure delay (see clojure.core/{delay,force})..
 delete-generated-annotations-in-str function clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Delete lines between generate-ann-st...
 Deref                        type alias    clojure.core.typed A Clojure derefable (see clojure.core/deref)..
 Difference                   type alias    clojure.core.typed Difference represents a difference of types.  (Dif...
 Dissoc                       type alias    clojure.core.typed A type representing a dissoc operation.
 doseq                        macro         clojure.core.typed Like clojure.core/doseq with optional annotations....
 doseq>                       macro         clojure.core.typed DEPRECATED: use clojure.core.typed/doseq  Like dos...
 dotimes                      macro         clojure.core.typed Like clojure.core/dotimes, but with optional annot...
 dotimes>                     macro         clojure.core.typed DEPRECATED: Use clojure.core.typed/dotimes  Like d...



 EmptyCount                   type alias    clojure.core.typed The type of all things with count 0. Use as part o...
 EmptySeqable                 type alias    clojure.core.typed A type that can be used to create a sequence of me...
 envs                         function      clojure.core.typed Returns a map of type environments, according to t...
 equiv-c                      function      clojure.core.typed.contract Returns a flat contract that returns true...
 ExactCount                   type alias    clojure.core.typed A type representing a precise count for a collecti...
 ExInfo                       type alias    clojure.core.typed A Clojure custom exception type..
 expected-for-method          function      clojure.core.typed.check.fn-methods Takes a :method AST node and a si...
 extensible-eval              function      clojure.core.typed.lang Evaluates the form data structure (not text!)...
 extensible-load              function      clojure.core.typed.lang Loads Clojure code from resources in classpat...



 false-c                      var           clojure.core.typed.contract Contract that checks for `false`..
 file-lang                    function      clojure.core.typed.lang Returns the :lang entry in ns form in the giv...
 flat-val-c                   function      clojure.core.typed.contract Contract generation for flat predicates..
 Fn                           type alias    clojure.core.typed A type that returns true for clojure.core/fn?.
 fn                           macro         clojure.core.typed Like clojure.core/fn, but with optional annotation...
 fn                           macro         clojure.core.typed.macros Like clojure.core/fn, but with optional ann...
 fn>                          macro         clojure.core.typed DEPRECATED: use clojure.core.typed/fn  Like fn, bu...
 follow-aliases               function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Rename aliases to avoid redundant pa...
 follow-all                   function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Squash all aliases referenced by a t...
 for                          macro         clojure.core.typed Like clojure.core/for with optional type annotatio...
 for>                         macro         clojure.core.typed DEPRECATED: use clojure.core.typed/for  Like for b...
 Future                       type alias    clojure.core.typed A Clojure future (see clojure.core/{future-call,fu...
 fv                           function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Returns the aliases referred in this...



 gen-current1                 function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Print the currently inferred type en...
 gen-current2                 function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Turn the currently inferred type env...
 gen-current3                 function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Turn the currently inferred type env...
 generate-tenv                function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Reset and populate global type envir...
 Get                          type alias    clojure.core.typed A type representing a get operation.



 Hierarchy                    type alias    clojure.core.typed A hierarchy for use with derive, isa? etc..
 HMap                         type alias    clojure.core.typed HMap is a type for heterogeneous maps..
 hmap-c                       function      clojure.core.typed.contract Takes a map of mandatory and optional ent...
 HSeq                         type alias    clojure.core.typed HSeq is a type for heterogeneous seqs.
 HSequential                  type alias    clojure.core.typed HSequential is a type for heterogeneous sequential...
 HSet                         type alias    clojure.core.typed HSet is a type for heterogeneous sets. Takes a set...
 HVec                         type alias    clojure.core.typed HVec is a type for heterogeneous vectors. It exten...



 I                            type alias    clojure.core.typed I represents an intersection of types.
 Id                           type alias    clojure.core.typed The identity function at the type level..
 identical-c                  function      clojure.core.typed.contract Returns a flat contract that returns true...
 IFn                          type alias    clojure.core.typed An ordered intersection type of function arities..
 ifn-c                        function      clojure.core.typed.contract Returns a function contract that checks a...
 insert-generated-annotations-in-str function clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Insert annotations after ns form..
 inst                         macro         clojure.core.typed Instantiate a polymorphic type with a number of ty...
 inst-ctor                    macro         clojure.core.typed Instantiate a call to a constructor with a number ...
 install                      function      clojure.core.typed Install the :core.typed :lang. Takes an optional s...
 install                      function      clojure.core.typed.lang A no-argument function that installs extensib...
 install                      function      clojure.core.typed.load Install the :core.typed :lang. Takes an optio...
 install                      function      clojure.core.typed.load1 Install the :core.typed :lang. Takes an opti...
 install-typed-load           function      clojure.core.typed.load Extend the :lang dispatch table with the :cor...
 install-typed-load           function      clojure.core.typed.load1 Extend the :lang dispatch table with the :co...
 instance-c                   macro         clojure.core.typed.contract Flat contracts for instance? checks on Cl...
 Int                          type alias    clojure.core.typed A type that returns true for clojure.core/integer?.
 int-c                        var           clojure.core.typed.contract Flat contract for values that pass `integ...
 into-array>                  macro         clojure.core.typed Make a Java array with Java class javat and Typed ...





 Keyword                      type alias    clojure.core.typed A keyword.
 Kw                           type alias    clojure.core.typed A keyword.



 lang-dispatch                var           clojure.core.typed.lang A map from :lang entries to their correspondi...
 let                          macro         clojure.core.typed Like clojure.core/let but supports optional type a...
 let                          macro         clojure.core.typed.macros Like clojure.core/let but supports optional...
 letfn>                       macro         clojure.core.typed Like letfn, but each function spec must be annotat...
 likely-HMap-dispatch         function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Given a HMap type, returns a vector ...
 List                         type alias    clojure.core.typed A Clojure persistent list..
 load-if-needed               function      clojure.core.typed Load and initialize all of core.typed if not alrea...
 load-typed-file              function      clojure.core.typed.load Loads a whole typed namespace, returns nil. A...
 load-typed-file              function      clojure.core.typed.load1 Loads a whole typed namespace, returns nil. ...
 loop                         macro         clojure.core.typed Like clojure.core/loop, and supports optional type...
 loop                         macro         clojure.core.typed.macros Like clojure.core/loop, and supports option...
 loop>                        macro         clojure.core.typed DEPRECATED: use clojure.core.typed/loop  Like loop...



 make-blame                   function      clojure.core.typed.contract Make a new blame object.  Keyword argumen...
 make-contract                function      clojure.core.typed.contract Make a new contract.  Keyword arguments: ...
 make-flat-contract           function      clojure.core.typed.contract Calls `make-contract` but also passes `:f...
 Map                          type alias    clojure.core.typed A persistent map with keys k and vals v..
 map->Blame                   function      clojure.core.typed.contract Factory function for class clojure.core.t...
 map->Contract                function      clojure.core.typed.contract Factory function for class clojure.core.t...
 mapply                       function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Applies a function f to the argument...
 method-type                  function      clojure.core.typed Given a method symbol, print the core.typed types ...
 monkey-patch-extensible-eval var           clojure.core.typed.lang A no-argument function that installs the exte...
 monkey-patch-extensible-load var           clojure.core.typed.lang A no-argument function that installs the exte...
 monkey-patch-typed-eval      function      clojure.core.typed.load Install the :core.typed :lang, and monkey pat...
 monkey-patch-typed-eval      function      clojure.core.typed.load1 Install the :core.typed :lang, and monkey pa...
 monkey-patch-typed-load      function      clojure.core.typed.load Install the :core.typed :lang, and monkey pat...
 monkey-patch-typed-load      function      clojure.core.typed.load1 Install the :core.typed :lang, and monkey pa...
 Multi                        type alias    clojure.core.typed A Clojure multimethod..



 ->NoisyHole                  function      clojure.core.typed.hole Positional factory function for class clojure...
 Namespace                    type alias    clojure.core.typed A namespace.
 nil-c                        var           clojure.core.typed.contract Contract that checks for `nil`..
 Nilable                      type alias    clojure.core.typed A union of x and nil..
 nilable-param                macro         clojure.core.typed Override which parameters in qualified method msym...
 NilableNonEmptyASeq          type alias    clojure.core.typed The result of clojure.core/seq..
 NilableNonEmptySeq           type alias    clojure.core.typed A persistent sequence of member type x with count ...
 noisy-hole                   function      clojure.core.typed.hole A noisy hole. The type system will complain w...
 NoisyHole                    type          clojure.core.typed.hole 
 non-nil-return               macro         clojure.core.typed Override the return type of fully qualified method...
 NonEmptyASeq                 type alias    clojure.core.typed A sequential non-empty seq retured from
 NonEmptyAVec                 type alias    clojure.core.typed A persistent vector returned from clojure.core/vec...
 NonEmptyColl                 type alias    clojure.core.typed A persistent collection with member type x and cou...
 NonEmptyCount                type alias    clojure.core.typed The type of all things with count greater than 0. ...
 NonEmptyLazySeq              type alias    clojure.core.typed A non-empty lazy sequence of type t.
 NonEmptySeq                  type alias    clojure.core.typed A persistent sequence of member type x with count ...
 NonEmptySeqable              type alias    clojure.core.typed A type that can be used to create a sequence of me...
 NonEmptyVec                  type alias    clojure.core.typed A persistent vector with member type x and count g...
 Nothing                      type alias    clojure.core.typed Nothing is the bottom type that inhabits no types ...
 ns-end-line                  function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Returns the last line of the ns form...
 ns-lang                      function      clojure.core.typed.lang Returns the :lang value in the give Namespace...
 Num                          type alias    clojure.core.typed A type that returns true for clojure.core/number?.



 Option                       type alias    clojure.core.typed A union of x and nil..
 or-c                         function      clojure.core.typed.contract Returns a contract that checks a value pa...
 override-constructor         macro         clojure.core.typed Override all constructors for Class ctorsym with t...
 override-method              macro         clojure.core.typed Override type for qualified method methodsym.  met...



 parse-annotation             function      clojure.core.typed.check.special.ann-form Parse the raw type annotati...
 parse-colon                  function      clojure.core.typed.macros Returns a vector of [provided? t args].
 pfn>                         macro         clojure.core.typed Define a polymorphic typed anonymous function. (pf...
 postwalk                     function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Shorthand for (walk ast identity f r...
 Pred                         type alias    clojure.core.typed A predicate for the given type.  eg. Type for inte...
 pred                         macro         clojure.core.typed Generate a flat (runtime) predicate for type that ...
 prewalk                      function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Shorthand for (walk ast f identity).
 print-env                    function      clojure.core.typed During type checking, print the type environment t...
 print-filterset              function      clojure.core.typed During type checking, print the filter set attache...
 Promise                      type alias    clojure.core.typed A Clojure promise (see clojure.core/{promise,deliv...
 Proxy                        type alias    clojure.core.typed A Clojure proxy..





 Rec                          type alias    clojure.core.typed A recursive type.
 ref                          macro         clojure.core.typed Like ref, but with optional type annotations.  Sam...
 ref                          macro         clojure.core.typed.macros Like ref, but with optional type annotation...
 Ref1                         type alias    clojure.core.typed A ref that can read and write type x..
 Ref2                         type alias    clojure.core.typed A ref that can write type w and read type r..
 ref>                         macro         clojure.core.typed DEPRECATED: use clojure.core.typed/ref  Like ref, ...
 relevant-aliases             function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Returns all referenced aliases from ...
 reset-caches                 function      clojure.core.typed Reset internal type caches..
 Reversible                   type alias    clojure.core.typed A Clojure reversible collection..
 runtime-infer                function      clojure.core.typed Infer and insert annotations for a given namespace...



 Seq                          type alias    clojure.core.typed A persistent sequence of member type x..
 Seqable                      type alias    clojure.core.typed A type that can be used to create a sequence of me...
 seqable-c                    function      clojure.core.typed.contract Alpha - subject to change.  Returns a con...
 Sequential                   type alias    clojure.core.typed A sequential collection..
 SequentialSeq                type alias    clojure.core.typed A Clojure sequential sequence. Seq's aren't always...
 SequentialSeqable            type alias    clojure.core.typed A sequential, seqable collection. Seq's aren't alw...
 Set                          type alias    clojure.core.typed A persistent set with member type x.
 silent-hole                  function      clojure.core.typed.hole A silent hole. (silent-hole) passes for any o...
 SortedSet                    type alias    clojure.core.typed A sorted persistent set with member type x.
 squash                       function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Recur down an alias and merge types ...
 squash-all                   function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Make recursive types when possible..
 squash-horizonally           function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Join aliases that refer to exactly o...
 Stack                        type alias    clojure.core.typed A Clojure stack..
 statistics                   function      clojure.core.typed Takes a collection of namespace symbols and return...
 statistics                   function      clojure.core.typed.statistics Takes a collection of namespace symbols...
 Str                          type alias    clojure.core.typed A string.
 swap-blame                   function      clojure.core.typed.contract Swap a blame object's blame parties.  [Bl...
 Sym                          type alias    clojure.core.typed A symbol.
 Symbol                       type alias    clojure.core.typed A symbol.



 *trace-checker*              dynamic var   clojure.core.typed.util-vars If true, print tracing information durin...
 tc-ignore                    macro         clojure.core.typed Ignore forms in body during type checking.
 tc-ignore                    macro         clojure.core.typed.macros Ignore forms in body during type checking.
 TFn                          type alias    clojure.core.typed A type function.
 throw-blame                  function      clojure.core.typed.contract Throw a blame object  [Blame -> Nothing].
 true-c                       var           clojure.core.typed.contract Contract that checks for `true`..
 typed-deps                   macro         clojure.core.typed Declare namespaces which should be checked before ...
 typed-load1                  function      clojure.core.typed.load Checks if the given file is typed, and loads ...
 typed-load1                  function      clojure.core.typed.load1 Checks if the given file is typed, and loads...



 U                            type alias    clojure.core.typed U represents a union of types.
 unquote-val                  function      clojure.core.typed.check.value Convert the syntax representation of a...
 untyped-var                  macro         clojure.core.typed Check a given var has the specified type at runtim...
 update-file                  function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Reads file as a string, calls f on t...



 *verbose-forms*              dynamic var   clojure.core.typed.util-vars If true, print complete forms in error m...
 *verbose-types*              dynamic var   clojure.core.typed.util-vars If true, print fully qualified types in ...
 Val                          type alias    clojure.core.typed A singleton type for a constant value..
 Value                        type alias    clojure.core.typed A singleton type for a constant value..
 var-constraints              function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Return the bag of constraints in the...
 var-coverage                 function      clojure.core.typed Summarises annotated var coverage statistics to *o...
 Var1                         type alias    clojure.core.typed An var that can read and write type x..
 Var2                         type alias    clojure.core.typed An var that can write type w and read type r..
 var>                         macro         clojure.core.typed Like var, but resolves at runtime like ns-resolve ...
 Vec                          type alias    clojure.core.typed A persistent vector with member type x..



 walk                         function      clojure.core.typed.runtime-infer Walk the ast applying `pre` when ent...
 warn-on-unannotated-vars     macro         clojure.core.typed Allow unannotated vars in the current namespace.  ...
 when-let-fail                macro         clojure.core.typed Like when-let, but fails if the binding yields a f...
 when-let-fail                macro         clojure.core.typed.macros Like when-let, but fails if the binding yie...









Logo & site design by Tom Hickey.
Clojure auto-documentation system by Tom Faulhaber.