Support for recursively converting Java beans to Clojure and vice versa.
Specify the behavior of missing setters in to-java in the default object case, using one of :ignore, :log, :errorSource
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Convert a Java object to a Clojure map.Source
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Convert a Java object to a Clojure map (converting deeply). The second argument is a hash map that offers some control over the conversion: * :add-class -- if true, add :class with the actual class of the object being converted -- this mimics clojure.core/bean. * :exceptions -- controls how getter exceptions should be handled: * :group -- return an :exceptions hash map in the object that contains all the properties that failed, with their exceptions, * :omit -- ignore exceptions and omit the properties that caused them, * :qualify -- return the exception as :<property>/exception and omit the property itself, * :return -- simply return the exception as the value of the property. * :omit -- a set of properties (keywords) to omit from the conversion so that unsafe methods are not called (this applies across the whole recursive/deep conversion).Source
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Convert a Java object to a Clojure map (but do not convert deeply). The second argument is a hash map that offers some control over the conversion: * :add-class -- if true, add :class with the actual class of the object being converted -- this mimics clojure.core/bean. * :exceptions -- controls how getter exceptions should be handled: * :group -- return an :exceptions hash map in the object that contains all the properties that failed, with their exceptions, * :omit -- ignore exceptions and omit the properties that caused them, * :qualify -- return the exception as :<property>/exception and omit the property itself, * :return -- simply return the exception as the value of the property. * :omit -- a set of properties (keywords) to omit from the conversion so that unsafe methods are not called.Source
Usage: (set-properties instance props)
Given an existing Java object and a Clojure map, use reflection to set the properties.Source
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Convert Clojure data to an instance of the specified Java class. Several basic types have obvious conversions, but for a hash map reflection is used to set the properties. If the class is an interface, we can't create an instance of it, unless the Clojure map already implements it. When java.time.Instant is available (Java 8+), we can convert a hash map containing :nano and :epochSecond to Instant, as this is the reverse of Instant->map. A XMLGregorianCalendar object can be constructed from the following keys :year, :month, :day, :hour, :minute, :second, and :timezone.Source
A variant of that uses a Builder class to build the requested class from a hash map of properties.
Usage: (to-java clazz props) (to-java clazz props opts) (to-java clazz instance props opts) (to-java clazz builder instance props opts)
Given a class and a hash map of properties, figure out the Builder class, figure out the setters for the Builder, construct an instance of it and produce an instance of the original class. A hash map of options may also be provided. Alternatively, given a class, a builder instance, a hash map of properties, and a hash map of options, figure out the setters for the builder class, and use the builder instance to produce an instance of the original class. Finally, given a class, a builder class, a builder instance (possibly of a different class), a hash map of properties, and a hash map of options, figure out the setters for the builder class, and use the builder instance to produce an instance of the original class. The following options may be provided: * :builder-class -- the class that should be used for the builder process; by default we'll assume an inner class of clazz called 'Builder', * :builder-props -- properties used to construct and initialize an instance of the builder class; defaults to an empty hash map; may have as metadata to provide constructor arguments for the builder instance, * :build-fn -- the name of the method in the Builder class to use to complete the builder process and return the desired class; by default we'll try to deduce it, preferring 'build' if we find multiple candidates, * :ignore-setters? -- a flag to indicate that methods on the builder class that begin with 'set' should be ignored, which may be necessary to avoid ambiguous methods that look like builder properties; by default 'setFooBar` will be treated as a builder property 'fooBar' if it accepts a single argument and returns a builder instance.Source