Index of Public Functions and Variables - spec.alpha 0.3.219-SNAPSHOT (in development)

This page has an alphabetical index of all the documented functions and variables in spec.alpha.



 abbrev-result                function      clojure.spec.test.alpha Given a check result, returns an abbreviated ...
 alt                          macro         clojure.spec.alpha Takes key+pred pairs, e.g.  (s/alt :even even? :sm...
 and                          macro         clojure.spec.alpha Takes predicate/spec-forms, e.g.  (s/and even? #(<...
 any                          function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/any.
 any-printable                function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/any...
 assert                       macro         clojure.spec.alpha spec-checking assert expression. Returns x if x is...
 assert*                      function      clojure.spec.alpha Do not call this directly, use 'assert'..



 bind                         function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...
 boolean                      function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/boo...
 bytes                        function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/byt...



 *coll-check-limit*           dynamic var   clojure.spec.alpha The number of elements validated in a collection s...
 *coll-error-limit*           dynamic var   clojure.spec.alpha The number of errors reported by explain in a coll...
 *compile-asserts*            dynamic var   clojure.spec.alpha If true, compiler will enable spec asserts, which ...
 cat                          macro         clojure.spec.alpha Takes key+pred pairs, e.g.  (s/cat :e even? :o odd...
 cat                          function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Returns a generator of a sequence catenated fr...
 char                         function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/cha...
 char-alpha                   function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/cha...
 char-alphanumeric            function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/cha...
 char-ascii                   function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/cha...
 check                        function      clojure.spec.test.alpha Run generative tests for spec conformance on ...
 check-asserts                function      clojure.spec.alpha Enable or disable spec asserts that have been comp...
 check-asserts?               function      clojure.spec.alpha Returns the value set by check-asserts..
 check-fn                     function      clojure.spec.test.alpha Runs generative tests for fn f using spec and...
 checkable-syms               function      clojure.spec.test.alpha Given an opts map as per check, returns the s...
 choose                       function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...
 coll-of                      macro         clojure.spec.alpha Returns a spec for a collection of items satisfyin...
 conform                      function      clojure.spec.alpha Given a spec and a value, returns
 conformer                    macro         clojure.spec.alpha takes a predicate function with the semantics of c...



 def                          macro         clojure.spec.alpha Given a namespace-qualified keyword or resolvable ...
 delay                        macro         clojure.spec.gen.alpha given body that returns a generator, returns a...
 describe                     function      clojure.spec.alpha returns an abbreviated description of the spec as ...
 double                       function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/dou...
 double*                      function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...
 double-in                    macro         clojure.spec.alpha Specs a 64-bit floating point number. Options:  :i...



 elements                     function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...
 enumerate-namespace          function      clojure.spec.test.alpha Given a symbol naming an ns, or a collection ...
 every                        macro         clojure.spec.alpha takes a pred and validates collection elements aga...
 every-kv                     macro         clojure.spec.alpha like 'every' but takes separate key and val preds ...
 exercise                     function      clojure.spec.alpha generates a number (default 10) of values compatib...
 exercise-fn                  function      clojure.spec.alpha exercises the fn named by sym (a symbol) by applyi...
 explain                      function      clojure.spec.alpha Given a spec and a value that fails to conform, pr...
 explain-data                 function      clojure.spec.alpha Given a spec and a value x which ought to conform,...
 explain-out                  function      clojure.spec.alpha Prints explanation data (per 'explain-data') to *o...
 explain-printer              function      clojure.spec.alpha Default printer for explain-data. nil indicates a ...
 explain-str                  function      clojure.spec.alpha Given a spec and a value that fails to conform, re...



 *fspec-iterations*           dynamic var   clojure.spec.alpha The number of times an anonymous fn specified by f...
 fdef                         macro         clojure.spec.alpha Takes a symbol naming a function, and one or more ...
 fmap                         function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...
 for-all*                     function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Dynamically loaded clojure.test.check.properti...
 form                         function      clojure.spec.alpha returns the spec as data.
 frequency                    function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...
 fspec                        macro         clojure.spec.alpha takes :args :ret and (optional) :fn kwargs whose v...



 gen                          function      clojure.spec.alpha Given a spec, returns the generator for it, or thr...
 gen-for-name                 function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Dynamically loads test.check generator named s...
 gen-for-pred                 function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Given a predicate, returns a built-in generato...
 generate                     function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Generate a single value using generator..
 get-spec                     function      clojure.spec.alpha Returns spec registered for keyword/symbol/var k, ...



 hash-map                     function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...



 inst-in                      macro         clojure.spec.alpha Returns a spec that validates insts in the range f...
 inst-in-range?               function      clojure.spec.alpha Return true if inst at or after start and before e...
 instrument                   function      clojure.spec.test.alpha Instruments the vars named by sym-or-syms, a ...
 instrumentable-syms          function      clojure.spec.test.alpha Given an opts map as per instrument, returns ...
 int                          function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/int.
 int-in                       macro         clojure.spec.alpha Returns a spec that validates fixed precision inte...
 int-in-range?                function      clojure.spec.alpha Return true if start <= val, val < end and val is ...
 invalid?                     function      clojure.spec.alpha tests the validity of a conform return value.





 keys                         macro         clojure.spec.alpha Creates and returns a map validating spec. :req an...
 keys*                        macro         clojure.spec.alpha takes the same arguments as spec/keys and returns ...
 keyword                      function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/key...
 keyword-ns                   function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/key...
 ::kvs->map                   spec          clojure.spec.alpha (conformer (zipmap (map :clojure.spec.alpha/k %) (...



 large-integer                function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/lar...
 large-integer*               function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...
 list                         function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...



 map                          function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...
 map-of                       macro         clojure.spec.alpha Returns a spec for a map whose keys satisfy kpred ...
 merge                        macro         clojure.spec.alpha Takes map-validating specs (e.g. 'keys' specs) and...
 multi-spec                   macro         clojure.spec.alpha Takes the name of a spec/predicate-returning multi...



 nilable                      macro         clojure.spec.alpha returns a spec that accepts nil and values satisfy...
 not-empty                    function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...



 one-of                       function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...
 or                           macro         clojure.spec.alpha Takes key+pred pairs, e.g.  (s/or :even even? :sma...







 *recursion-limit*            dynamic var   clojure.spec.alpha A soft limit on how many times a branching spec (o...
 ratio                        function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/rat...
 regex?                       function      clojure.spec.alpha returns x if x is a (clojure.spec) regex op, else ...
 registry                     function      clojure.spec.alpha returns the registry map, prefer 'get-spec' to loo...
 return                       function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...



 sample                       function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...
 set                          function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...
 shuffle                      function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...
 simple-type                  function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/sim...
 simple-type-printable        function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/sim...
 spec                         macro         clojure.spec.alpha Takes a single predicate form, e.g. can be the nam...
 spec?                        function      clojure.spec.alpha returns x if x is a spec object, else logical fals...
 string                       function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/str...
 string-alphanumeric          function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/str...
 string-ascii                 function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/str...
 such-that                    function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...
 summarize-results            function      clojure.spec.test.alpha Given a collection of check-results, e.g. fro...
 symbol                       function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/sym...
 symbol-ns                    function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/sym...



 tuple                        macro         clojure.spec.alpha takes one or more preds and returns a spec for a t...
 tuple                        function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...



 unform                       function      clojure.spec.alpha Given a spec and a value created by or compliant w...
 unstrument                   function      clojure.spec.test.alpha Undoes instrument on the vars named by sym-or...
 uuid                         function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Fn returning clojure.test.check.generators/uui...



 valid?                       function      clojure.spec.alpha Helper function that returns true when x is valid ...
 vector                       function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...
 vector-distinct              function      clojure.spec.gen.alpha Lazy loaded version of clojure.test.check.gene...



 with-gen                     function      clojure.spec.alpha Takes a spec and a no-arg, generator-returning fn ...
 with-instrument-disabled     macro         clojure.spec.test.alpha Disables instrument's checking of calls, with...









 &                            macro         clojure.spec.alpha takes a regex op re, and predicates. Returns a reg...
 *                            macro         clojure.spec.alpha Returns a regex op that matches zero or more value...
 +                            macro         clojure.spec.alpha Returns a regex op that matches one or more values...
 ?                            macro         clojure.spec.alpha Returns a regex op that matches zero or one value ...

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