API for passes.jvm.infer-tag - tools.analyzer.jvm 1.2.4-SNAPSHOT (in development)

Full namespace name: clojure.tools.analyzer.passes.jvm.infer-tag


Public Variables and Functions


Usage: (infer-tag {:keys [tag form], :as ast})
Performs local type inference on the AST adds, when possible,
 one or more of the following keys to the AST:
 * :o-tag      represents the current type of the
               expression represented by the node
 * :tag        represents the type the expression represented by the
               node is required to have, possibly the same as :o-tag
 * :return-tag implies that the node will return a function whose
               invocation will result in a object of this type
 * :arglists   implies that the node will return a function with
               this arglists
 * :ignore-tag true when the node is untyped, does not imply that
               all untyped node will have this

Passes opts:
* :infer-tag/level  If :global, infer-tag will perform Var tag

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