API for clojure.tools.deps.cli.api - tools.deps.cli 0.10.56-SNAPSHOT (in development)

Full namespace name: clojure.tools.deps.cli.api


This api provides functions that can be executed from the Clojure tools using -X:deps.

Public Variables and Functions


Usage: (aliases params)
List all aliases available for use with the CLI using -M, -X or -T execution
(note that some aliases may be usable with more than one of these). Also, the
deps.edn sources of the alias are specified.

This program accepts the same basis-modifying arguments from the `basis` program.
Each dep source value can be :standard, a string path, a deps edn map, or nil.
Sources are merged in the order - :root, :user, :project, :extra.

For example, to print only aliases defined in this project:
  clj -X:deps aliases :root nil :user nil

Basis options:
  :root    - dep source, default = :standard
  :user    - dep source, default = :standard
  :project - dep source, default = :standard ("./deps.edn")
  :extra   - dep source, default = nil

The aliases are printed to the console.



Usage: (find-versions {:keys [lib tool n], :or {n 8}, :as args})
Find available tool versions given either a lib (with :lib) or
existing installed tool (with :tool). If lib, check all registered
procurers and print one coordinate per line when found.

  :lib  Qualified lib symbol
  :tool Tool name for installed tool
  :n    Number of coordinates to return, default = 8, :all for all



Usage: (git-resolve-tags _)
Resolve git tags in deps.edn git deps to full shas.



Usage: (list params)
List all deps on the classpath, optimized for knowing the final set of included
libs. The `tree` program can provide more info on why or why not a particular
lib is included.

Licenses will be printed in short form by default but can also be listed as
in :full or :none for none at all using the :license key.

By default, :format will :print to the console in a human friendly tree. Use
:edn mode to print the tree to edn.

This program accepts the same basis-modifying arguments from the `basis` program.
Each dep source value can be :standard, a string path, a deps edn map, or nil.
Sources are merged in the order - :root, :user, :project, :extra.

  :license - :full, :short (default), :none

Output mode options:
  :format    :print (default) or :edn

Basis options:
  :dir     - directory root path, defaults to current directory
  :root    - dep source, default = :standard
  :user    - dep source, default = :standard
  :project - dep source, default = :standard ("./deps.edn")
  :extra   - dep source, default = nil
  :aliases - coll of kw aliases of argmaps to apply to subprocesses

The libs are printed to the console.



Usage: (mvn-install {:keys [jar pom lib version classifier local-repo]})
Install a jar and pom to the Maven local cache.
The pom file must either be supplied, or generated based
on provided lib/version/classifier, or provided inside the jar.
The group/artifact/version coordinate will be pulled from the
pom source as above.

  :jar (reqired) - path to jar file (embedded pom used by default)

Explicit pom options:
  :pom - path to pom file (pom in jar ignored)

Generated pom options:
  :lib - qualified symbol like my.org/lib
  :version - string
  :classifier - string

Other options:
  :local-repo (optional) - path to local repo (default = ~/.m2/repository)

Execute ad-hoc:
  clj -X:deps mvn/install :jar '"foo-1.2.3.jar"'



Usage: (mvn-pom {:keys [argmaps], :as opts})
Sync or create pom.xml from deps.edn.

This program accepts the same basis-modifying arguments from the `basis` program.
Each dep source value can be :standard, a string path, a deps edn map, or nil.
Sources are merged in the order - :root, :user, :project, :extra.

Basis options:
  :dir     - directory root path, defaults to current directory
  :root    - dep source, default = :standard
  :user    - dep source, default = :standard
  :project - dep source, default = :standard ("./deps.edn")
  :extra   - dep source, default = nil
  :aliases - coll of kw aliases of argmaps to apply to subprocesses

Deprecated options (use the basis :aliases above instead):
  :argmaps - vector of aliases to combine into argmaps to resolve-deps and make-classpath



Usage: (prep {:keys [force log current], :or {log :info, current false}, :as params})
Prep the unprepped libs found in the transitive lib set of basis.

This program accepts the same basis-modifying arguments from the `basis` program.
Each dep source value can be :standard, a string path, a deps edn map, or nil.
Sources are merged in the order - :root, :user, :project, :extra.

  :force - flag on whether to force prepped libs to re-prep (default = false)
  :current - flag on whether to prep current project too (default = false)
  :log - :none, :info (default), or :debug

Basis options:
  :dir     - directory root path, defaults to current directory
  :root    - dep source, default = :standard
  :user    - dep source, default = :standard
  :project - dep source, default = :standard ("./deps.edn")
  :extra   - dep source, default = nil
  :aliases - coll of kw aliases of argmaps to apply to subprocesses

Returns params used.



Usage: (tree opts)
Print deps tree for the current project's deps.edn built from either the
a basis, or if provided, the trace file.

This program accepts the same basis-modifying arguments from the `basis` program.
Each dep source value can be :standard, a string path, a deps edn map, or nil.
Sources are merged in the order - :root, :user, :project, :extra.

By default, :format will :print to the console in a human friendly tree. Use
:edn mode to print the tree to edn.

In print mode, deps are printed with prefix of either . (included) or X (excluded).
A reason code for inclusion/exclusion may be added at the end of the line.

Basis options:
  :dir     - directory root path, defaults to current directory
  :root    - dep source, default = :standard
  :user    - dep source, default = :standard
  :project - dep source, default = :standard ("./deps.edn")
  :extra   - dep source, default = nil
  :aliases - coll of kw aliases of argmaps to apply to subprocesses

Input options (if provided, basis options ignored):
  :file      Path to trace.edn file (from clj -Strace) to use in computing the tree

Output mode:
  :format    :print (default) or :edn

Print output mode modifiers:
  :indent    Indent spacing (default = 2)
  :hide-libs Set of libs to hide as deps (if not top dep), default = #{org.clojure/clojure}

Logo & site design by Tom Hickey.
Clojure auto-documentation system by Tom Faulhaber.