API for shell-out - clojure-contrib v1.2 (stable)

by Chris Houser

clojure-contrib is now deprecated

clojure-contrib is no longer being developed or maintained.

Rather than a single, monolithic, contributions library, Clojure now has a set of separate libraries for each unit of functionality. The libraries are in the Clojure GitHub organization at https://github.com/clojure. API documentation of the libraries can be found at https://clojure.github.io.

If you're looking for a specific function or namespace from the old clojure-contrib, see "Where Did Clojure.Contrib Go".

Full namespace name: clojure.contrib.shell-out


Conveniently launch a sub-process providing to its stdin and
collecting its stdout
Deprecated since clojure-contrib version 1.2

Public Variables and Functions


This library, clojure-contrib, is deprecated. See here for more information.
Usage: (sh & args)
Passes the given strings to Runtime.exec() to launch a sub-process.

Options are

:in    may be given followed by a String specifying text to be fed to the
       sub-process's stdin.
:out   option may be given followed by :bytes or a String. If a String
       is given, it will be used as a character encoding name (for
       example "UTF-8" or "ISO-8859-1") to convert the
       sub-process's stdout to a String which is returned.
       If :bytes is given, the sub-process's stdout will be stored in
       a byte array and returned.  Defaults to UTF-8.
       when followed by boolean true, sh returns a map of
         :exit => sub-process's exit code
         :out  => sub-process's stdout (as byte[] or String)
         :err  => sub-process's stderr (as byte[] or String)
       when not given or followed by false, sh returns a single
       array or String of the sub-process's stdout followed by its
:env   override the process env with a map (or the underlying Java
       String[] if you are a masochist).
:dir   override the process dir with a String or java.io.File.

You can bind :env or :dir for multiple operations using with-sh-env
and with-sh-dir.
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